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The Georgia Baptist Foundation strengthens ministry efforts in order to bring Gospel transformation to every part of life, in every place on earth, across every generation. Here we share our stories, the ways in which our work has made an impact through ministry connections.

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Funston Baptist Church Sets an Example for Giving
Funston Baptist Church celebrated their 125th anniversary last month. There were many reasons to rejoice as the large tent overflowed with members and guests celebrating the occasion at a feast on Saturday evening. Then on Sunday morning there were stirring testimonies ...
One man’s stock is his church’s treasure
Regardless of how enjoyable or exasperating Christmas shopping may be for you, the delight one feels when observing the recipient open their present is irreplaceable. The true reward, however, is the opportunity to select a gift that accurately expresses your love for the recipient.
Macon Teacher Believes in Foundation
Macon Teacher Believes in Foundation † ( Original Article Published in the Spring of 1993) Mrs. Evelyn Robinson Everett of Macon was a widow who for over 35 years taught sixth-grade school children in Macon and Irwinton. She believed in education. And because she believes in education ...
Pursuing Godly Passions
The beauty of being uniquely designed by The Creator is that we all have individual talents, gifts, and passions. God has shaped each one of us to enjoy, pursue, and invest in many areas of interest. This is one thing that gives us a sense of wonder and joy as we experience the world, and for which we can glorify the Lord.
Expand Kingdom Opportunities
Every day, people all around us experience radical life transformation through various God-honoring ministries. Perhaps you have experienced a similar transformation yourself. On your spiritual journey, you may have discovered that the Lord placed a particular church or ministry on your path...
Impact an Estate Gift Can Have on a Ministry’s Future
"Miss Hiddie," as she is so affectionately called by her students, recently retired from more than 30 years of teaching music. Her music and conducting of choirs is world renowned, having even lead a choir before the King of Jordan. Her passion to serve the Lord extends well beyond her work...
Watch Out for Your Family
Watch Out for Your Family (CLEVELAND, GA.) Dubbed by many as one of the country’s most cherished pastime sports, baseball is about as American as apple pie. Few truly know this better than Mike Croley. Croley, Truett McConnell University’s head baseball coach and Assistant Professor of Health and Fitness, fell in love with the sport around the age of seven. What started out as simply…
Where There’s Will, There’s a Worm
Where There’s Will, There’s a Worm Some people might look into a can of worms and see fish bait, but Trudy Creamer and her husband saw dollar signs. Once established, a long-term relationship with red wigglers supported the couple with a joint career as a friendly fishermen supply source, and it’s now carrying Trudy through her retirement years. Life was not always easy for the…
Doing So Much More – First Baptist Lyons
Doing So Much More – First Baptist Lyons Dear Dr. Gray, It has been a privilege to invest funds in the foundation. Since we began our investment we have been able to pay half the cost of anyone from our church who has participated in a short-term mission trip. We have given $300,000 to Brewton Parker College, $50,000 to Annie Armstrong for Mission in North…
For Those Who Have Never Heard
For Those Who Have Never Heard Having grown up on a family farm, Clifford Reeves fondly remembers the long days of hard work, but in many ways he’s glad they are behind him. The farm has been in his family for over 100 years, and he has memories of the dairy cows, the chickens they kept and the warm Georgia soil that provided a living,…