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GET Your Early Bird Tickets And Save!

Georgia Baptist Foundation and Ministry Trust are excited to invite you to the annual Church Financial Conferences in 2025 (CFC25) on February 20, March 6, or March 20, 2025.


CFC25 Homepage Banner

GET Your Early Bird Tickets And Save!

Georgia Baptist Foundation and Ministry Trust are excited to invite you to the annual Church Financial Conferences in 2025 (CFC25) on February 20, March 6, or March 20, 2025.


Susan DePasquale

Vice President / CFO

Susan Depasquale

He has told you, O man, what is good; but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8

Susan oversees operations and finance at the Foundation, with an eye for detail when it comes to financial reporting. She excels at building relationships with banks, businesses and faithful givers, stewarding just the right terms to preserve the good interests of the funds we administer. Her protective instincts are rooted in care, as we all honor gift intentions with the respect they deserve.

Susan’s vast expertise and experience as a CFO, CPA, and Controller provide her with a wealth of wisdom to share in the areas of accounting, human resource management, UPMIFA, non-profit leadership, and Christian Women Executives.

T: 770.216.7539

For more info or to schedule