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Stewarding Perspective
Every solution we provide, ministry we serve, individual we counsel, and investment we make comes from an intentional point of view. Our strong and enduring perspective is rooted in Scripture and serves as our timeless anchor.
Faithful Stewarding is the act of engaging all of God’s resources for all of God’s work.
Principles of Faithful Stewarding
Faithful Stewarding...
- is rooted in Lordship.
- sees an eternal perspective.
- considers more than finances.
- seeks faithful execution.
- gets multiplied in community.
A Process of Faithful Stewarding

The first step in Faithful Stewarding is a point of recognition or insight. The Lord is faithful to reveal His truth which never comes back empty-handed. With conviction, we have a new reality.

Within that new reality, we are invited to explore and discover ways in which we can invest our God-given time and resources. We then arrive at a level of clarity as to where He is leading us to engage in His work.

Moving out with love and good works, we address the issues we see in the world. Our joy in Christ leads us to obedience, making His character and His Good News known to those around us and around the world.
For more information on our perspective of Faithful Stewarding