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Do More With Your Ministry Dollars!

We manage funds with a biblical conscience, toward quality returns, for the strengthening of ministry outcomes. With a biblical perspective framework, we provide investment management solutions for churches and ministries.

Ministry Trust Fund

Designed for long-term investment of five years or longer, the Ministry Trust Fund is a common investment fund that provides annual income for ministries. Additionally, a portion of the investment growth is maintained each year to offset inflation. The Ministry Trust Fund has a performance track record of over 35 years, and it serves as a time-tested, biblically-screened portfolio tailored for the investment of your ministry dollars.

Not FDIC insured

For more information on our Ministry Funds or to schedule a presentation about investment management services, please

Endowment Funds

As the trust agency for the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, we specialize in the management of endowment funds. The administration of endowed funds is a sacred duty, part of our responsibility in properly stewarding Kingdom resources. Adhering to state and uniform laws, our services are UPMIFA-compliant and follow the codes in the state of Georgia. The Foundation can also provide consolidated reporting if your ministry has multiple endowment accounts. With steadfast returns, predictable income and consolidated accounting services; we offer our ministry clients financial peace of mind, allowing them to focus on their primary ministry objectives.

For more information on Endowment Funds or on how we can help manage Charitable Trusts that benefit your church or ministry

Charitable Trusts

Additional support in the form of charitable trusts can add significant funding for your ministry, but we know that managing them can be complex. The Georgia Baptist Foundation has decades of experience managing these types of trusts, and we are here to help your church or ministry benefit from them without the burden of administration.

We provide trust administration for the following types of charitable trusts:

  • Charitable Remainder Unitrusts
  • Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts
  • Charitable Lead Trusts
  • Charitable Gift Annuities
  • Donor Advised Funds