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Gifts of Stocks and Other Securities

When most people think of making a gift to a church or ministry, they think of gifts of cash. But when it comes to giving, there may be a better way. Did you know that certain securities, such as appreciated stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, can have the same impact as cash gifts for ministries? They may also provide additional tax benefits for the donor. The Georgia Baptist Foundation is positioned to assist donors and ministries in processing these non-cash gifts free of charge. Our goal is to relieve the burden for ministries by acting as an agent in accepting and processing gifts of securities from individual donors.

How we can help you

Give a Stock, Bond or Mutual Fund

The Foundation receives the gift on behalf of the ministry, processes the sale of the securities, and then transfers the net proceeds to the ministry, as directed by (you) the donor.

Receive a Contribution Acknowledgement

The Foundation provides the donor with a contribution acknowledgement to substantiate a possible income tax deduction. The ministry benefits from the contribution with no burden to process the gift or provide a receipt for tax purposes.

How the process works

How the process works

  • 1. Contact Us

    Tell us about your intended contribution using the online form. Click here to go to the form page

  • document

    2. Initiate the Transfer

    Print the gift instructions form generated in step 1 and deliver it to your financial advisor. Click here to print a blank form with delivery instructions your broker will need to begin the transfer process.

  • 3. Confirm the Transfer

    Once your financial advisor has confirmed that the transfer is complete, we recommend you let the ministry know of the gift.

  • 4. Keep Your Contribution Acknowledgment

    Once the gift has cleared and the proceeds have been distributed to the ministry of your choice, the Georgia Baptist Foundation will email you a receipt of your gift for tax deduction. Please print the receipt and save with your tax documents for this year.

Contact us

To contact Pamela Mills directly concerning gift clearing services, please use the information below.

Pamela Mills
3237 Satellite Blvd, Ste 150
Duluth, GA 30096-9028
P:  770.216.7534